DIY Brightening mask for pits & bikini area!


Summer is just around the corner and we have the perfect DIY brightening mask for your under arms in bikini area to keep you feeling confident all summer long!!

Turmeric is known to contain both anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, which can aid in healing irritated or inflamed skin. Turmeric is also known to contain lightening and brightening properties when applied to the skin.

To apply to the skin, create a turmeric paste by combining 1 tsp of turmeric with either half of a lemon or orange juice, and apply to the skin for 15-20 minutes before washing off. For added results, mix 1 tsp of yogurt into your existing turmeric paste.

Disclaimer: Tumeric stains, so make sure that you are applying with gloves if you want to use your hands! If you don’t have gloves, you can always use a makeup brush to apply! Lemon can burn so make sure to do this before shaving !

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